Was ist Hero-Online?
Hero OnlineHero Online is a MMORPG from NetGamers.
In HO there are no restrictions in LVL, but it is from lvl 160 + monsters are difficult because it's too far below the LVL and it takes too long to get to te%.
Hero Online, there are also up in 2005 and is still very popular.
Also new updates are always made on 12.12.2009 and a new style came into the game that much easier to make! So this game is not dead ^ ^.
For HO, it is not necessary to buy something, it only facilitates the run of play extreme!
Well it's just there nor the skills that can be used to harm enemies or monsters faster.
Since Hero Online is currently only in English, there is a German forum, which takes care good care of you, if ye have with the tasks (quests) problems.
There the long quests like Ataraxia Rareskillbook and are described, and also produce a guide of items to be provided.
Otherwise, there really is nothing more to say ...
Admin aka xXxaggrob0yxXx