Our TeamspeakThe Teamspeak is not an normal Teamspeak !
- The Server is not 24/7 online
- He dont need a Hoster cuz he run at my computer
- U need Hamachi to Join on it
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
02-06 PM | 02-06 PM | 02-06 PM | 02-06 PM | 02-08 PM | 12-08 PM | 12-06 PM |
07-10 AM |
07-10 AM | 07-10 AM | 07-10 AM | 09-12 PM | 09-12 PM |
07-10 PM |
01-04 AM* | 01-04 AM* |
*The Times, when the Server is online, are not fixed!
Some Informations:
I can kick players when i want! I can close the Server when i want! I can perm ban people when i want!
How to Join :
Download "Hamachi" and install.(LINK ZUM DOWNLOAD)
Download "Teamspeak" and install.(LINK ZUM DOWNLOAD)
Start "Hamachi" > Network > Join an existing network > Network ID : Kings Rules Clan > Password : krc > ok.
(If an error occurs, it tries with the password: xgermansx! USE ONLY IF an error occurs)
If does not help, the network (my computer) from / offline.)
Starts Teamspeak2 and now proceeds as follows:
Connection> Connect> (right click) Add Server> label (as you want to call him to enter)> Server Address (> nickname (as you want it hot)> • anonymous click> Server Password blank.
Then click Connect and you should be connected.
HAMACHI ALWAYS REMEMBER MUST REMAIN OPEN! (Hamachi not take much memory is gone)